Saturday 25 February 2012

"The Bagram Burning"

The US want to hold the reigns in these countries through tales of mischief & secrets, allowing a labyrinth of hidden mistakes that become thrillers of real life!
Supremacy of God is indisputable, so is the case of all Holy Scriptures. Unfortunately, in case of Quran, Bible, Torah, Bhagwat Gita and Guru Granth or the Buddhist statues this isn’t the first time desecration happened, there have been numerous reports before and in the decade of 2000 about such incidents. Tuesday 21st February 2012 was one of those days when such a “mistake” happened.

Afghan workers at the main American military base, Bagram Air Field, saw soldiers dumping books in a pit where garbage is burned and noticed numerous Qurans and other religious material among the trash. The Afghan laborers found charred copies of the Quran while collecting rubbish at the sprawling Bagram Airbase about an hour's drive north of Kabul.
In retaliation to this, thousands of Afghans took to the streets again, chanting anti-American slogans; protests erupted in Logar (province east of the Capital), Parwan where dozens were left wounded and almost  18 Afghans have been killed along with two US soldiers since Tuesday in protests over the burning of the Quran copies. Twenty-one people, including 11 policemen, were wounded in the capital, said Mohammad Zahir, head of Kabul police's crimes unit.
The American Embassy in Afghanistan said its staff were in "lockdown" and travel had been suspended as thousands of people expressed fury over the burning, a public relations disaster for U.S.-led NATO forces fighting Taliban militants ahead of the withdrawal of foreign combat troops by the end of 2014.
 In April 2011, after Terry Jones, a Florida pastor oversaw the burning of a Quran, angry demonstrators in northern Afghanistan stormed a United Nations compound following Friday prayers, killing seven foreigners.
To further establish an understanding of how things would be: There are always two angles to any story. The first could be what the official statement has come out saying it was a mere mistake. The said manuscripts were being burnt since some of them had secret messages between prisoners and a decision was made without clear analysis obviously, to destroy them so that they could not be used in future.       

On the other hand there are some who believe that the
The Quran was of course intentionally burned and its desecration advertised to keep the hatred, the hostilities, the WARS going on; after all the US economy depends on it,  a possibility of this act being deliberate to cause more confusion, hatred, division between the West and East. With tens and thousands of foreign troops in Afghanistan, a withdrawal of troops announced for 2014, this could be a treasure trove for the Military Industrial Complex, so rightly indicated & warned by then US President Eisenhower ( in his address of January 17th 1961). According to SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), total world spending on military expenses in 2009 was $1.531 trillion US dollars. 46.5% of this total, roughly $712 billion US dollars, was spent by the United States. The lion's share of the spending was $708 billion which was allocated to the war in Iraq since the U.S. led invasion there in 2003, according to CBO. Former President George Bush launched the Iraq war in a search for weapons of mass destruction, which never were found!
CBO said $345 billion has gone to Afghanistan, where the United States invaded to fight al Qaeda and topple the Taliban after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001. About $22 billion went for war-related activities in other countries, it said.
The current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, is the first year that more money has been allocated to Afghanistan ($72.3 billion) than Iraq ($64.5 billion), according to the National Priorities Project, a nonpartisan budget research group that has a running tally of the wars' costs on its Website.

The group included some U.S. homeland security spending in those 2010 cost tallies. According to the Associated Press, since 2001, the death toll of US and Coalition forces is 2628. While the young American soldiers were dying, and the civilian population was being brutally murdered, in this time period they managed to drain oil from Iraq for ten years and a thriving narcotics trade from Afghanistan. Which the future will tell could amount to maybe in trillions of dollars. So what they spent on these wars in terms of figures and facts have, in reality, been drained out from these countries very smoothly.
Grass roots truth is quite the opposite of what is propagated of War on Terror in mainstream media. In reality, US and its allies have panicked, and in these “Panic Saigon” moments, dejected and defeated super power will do all those acts that can be considered in-human.  It is an eye-opener for the whole world that poor people of this region have brought down the might of the Super power. So what can the Super power do in return: Spit on their graves, Urinate on their dead bodies or burn their Holy Books? That’s the extent of hatred, frustration and inability which depicts in their behavior.

They wanted to rule the land of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran but they have been badly punished, killing, maiming hundreds and thousands of innocent civilians who had peaceful lives before the US-Invasions happened. US’s route to democracy in this part of the region has been a blood bath for the occupants of this area and its troops.
 Afghanistan, the graveyard of empires was never conquered as we all know, either by the British or the Russians. Such sparks in a terrain like that is foolishness on the part of occupying forces or rather quite inept way of winning hearts and minds of local people. Do they not understand a simple philosophy of “disrespectful” behavior to the local customs and traditions? Similar incidents in the past have caused deep divisions and resentment among Afghans towards the tens of thousands of foreign troops in Afghanistan.
  Wars based on lies and deceit are being fought by people barely out of their diapers for greedy grey haired corporate political elites hungry for other countries money and resources, military and construction contracts! Painting a picture to the rest of the world that: It’s a legitimate fight for democracy. While aforementioned contracts are doled out, and civil liberties in the US are being reduced to zero.Anyone who has a grain of sense in them knows that Muslim faith is indoctrinated in its followers from birth to death with the tenets of Islam. Any insult to the Prophet or the Quran is a trigger point for the faithful with unbridled rage and violent fury. Live and let live, we could all use a little bit of that golden rule. You know the one that says to; “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This also clarifies that wars in the 21st century too are not won by sophisticated weapons rather it is the faith in God that gets a sure-shot victory. They are not welcoming you in their country. Please, reserve some left over self-respect and leave.

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